This week on The DayBreak Blog, we’re sharing some news based on what we are seeing in the current marketplace.
Everybody likes to feel appreciated in their lives and employees are no different. Did you know that almost 60% of employees say that they’ve never had a boss that appreciated them? With Employee Appreciation Day approaching on Friday, March 1st, it’s the perfect time for leaders to take a step back and show their team how much their hard work is valued.

Team leaders need to remember that although Employee Appreciation Day is the perfect opportunity to do something special for your team, it’s important for it not to come across as just a “once a year thing.” Sure, employees want to feel valued and appreciated, but not just on one day a year. The best plan is to show smaller gestures of appreciation consistently throughout the year, leading to something special each year when Employee Appreciation Day rolls around in March.
So what are some ways to get the ball rolling and showing your team that they are valued?
According to, here are 4 easy ways to brighten your team’s day for Employee Appreciation Day:
- Give the team paid time off to volunteer. This is a win for everyone. Employees see that the organization is committed to social responsibility and doing something good for the community. And employees get to give back without sacrificing PTO time or money in their pockets.
- Publicly recognize individuals for their achievements and contributions to the teams’ success. Individuals may get recognition and praise inside their particular department, but how often is their great work showcased across the company? Everybody likes a pat on the back, and this can also serve to motivate others moving forward.
- A small gift can go a long way. Who doesn’t like a gift? The key is to find something that your employees actually like and will use. It can even be a gift card to a local restaurant or coffee shop that you know they like.
- Give employees some facetime with upper management and leaders of the organization. Employees often don’t have the opportunity to share ideas and present feedback to those up the corporate ladder. Sometimes in bigger organizations, employees are not even sure if upper management even knows who they are. Taking the team out for a nice meal and open discussion is a great way to show appreciation.
For more details and to read the full article from, click the link below!